Get a paper plate and decorate this to look like an Easter bunny.
Add some ears with paper and some whiskers. You can be as creative as you like. The $2 shop has pom poms and googly eyes to stick on too.
Colour a piece of paper with crayon - colour extra hard. It is best to make a Rainbow of colours.
Then paint over the top with black paint and scratch this off making patterns.
Drain some normal eggs (ask your parents first) and decorate with paint or vivid felts.
Get some paper (black looks good) cut out some shapes and glue coloured cellophane across the cut out panels and stick it in your window. Your very own Stain Glass Easter Egg.
This activity is a little tricky. Blow up a small balloon. Cover in lots and lots of PVA glue and wrap string around this. Once it is dry then pop the balloon and there you have your very own Easter Egg decorations.
Before After
MARBLING - using shaivng cream
In a container or tray squirt come shaving cream. Then add some drops of food colouring or dye and using a skewer mix the colour together. Then place a clean piece of paper/egg you cut out on to the shaving cream - scrape off the shaving cream and the dye pattern should be left on top.